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Pirvacy Policy - Mehar IPTV

Last updated: January 1, 2024

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Pirvacy Policy 2024

Mehar IPTV commits to protecting your privacy and the security of your personal information. When you access, use, and share our website. Place an order for IPTV services through our website. Please read this Privacy Policy before accessing or using our website or services. This will help you understand our practices before you share your personal information. To reflect changes in our information practices, we will update this Privacy Policy.

If we make any physical changes. We will notify you by email or an announcement on the Website before the change takes effect. The Website and Services intend for access or use by persons 18 years of age or older. The Website or the Service does not permit persons under the age of 18 to access or use it. We do not collect personal information from or about anyone under the age of 18.

We do not collect personal information from or about anyone under the age of 18. When we talk about “personal information” in this privacy policy. We mean both device information and order information. If you do not agree with any part of this Privacy Policy. You should not conduct any transactions on this Website.

Collecting and Using Your Personal Data

Types of Data Collected:

Personal Data: When you visit the Site and use our services. We may ask you to provide certain identifying information that you can use to contact us. Personal information includes, but is not limited to, the following:

Usage Data: The Service collects this automatically when you use it. Usage Data may include information such as web browser, IP address, time zone, and certain cookies installed on the device. We may also collect information sent by your browser when you use the Service from a mobile device.

  • Email address
  • First name and Last name
  • Phone number
  • City
  • State
  • Province
  • ZIP/Postal code
  • Address
  • Usage Data

Tracking Technologies and Cookies Policy

We use cookies and similar tracking technologies to track activity on our website. To analyze and improve our service, we use beacons, tags, and scripts. These technologies allow us to collect data, for example, by monitoring repeat visits by users and tracking web usage patterns.

Cookies are data files that your device or computer stores. They are used to analyze websites, page views, and track visitors. Cookies collect a variety of information, including preferences, registration details, and browsing history. The use of cookies is in accordance with industry standards. Most popular browsers accept cookies because they comply with industry standards.

Managing Cookies and Their Impact on Website Features

You can set your browser to refuse all cookies or to notify you when you receive a cookie. However, if you refuse to accept cookies. You will then not be able to access some features of the website. Some third-party vendors may also use cookies on our website. We cannot control these cookies, and this Privacy Policy does not cover them.

Cookies allow us to recognize registered users. When they return to the site without entering the same information. Cookies take up only a small space on your device and do not harm the files on your device.

Cookies or Browser Cookies: A cookie is a small file placed on Your Device. You can instruct Your browser to refuse all Cookies or to show when a cookie is being sent. But, if You do not accept Cookies, You may not be able to use some parts of our Service. Unless you have adjusted Your browser settings. So that it rejects cookies, our service may use cookies.

Web Beacons: Some sections of our Service and our emails may contain small electronic files known as web beacons. (Also known as clear gifs, pixel tags, and single-pixel gifs). This allows the company to track user activity, including page visits, email openings, and other website info. (For example, recording the popularity of a certain section and system and verifying server integrity).

Cookies can be “Persistent” or “Session” cookies. Persistent cookies remain on your personal computer or mobile device when you go offline. But you delete session cookies as soon as you close your web browser. We use both Session and Persistent Cookies for the purposes set out below:

Necessary / Essential Cookies

Type: Session Cookies | Administered by: Us

Purpose: These cookies are essential for the Website's services and to enable users to access certain features. They help to authenticate users and prevent fraudulent use of user accounts. Without these cookies, we cannot provide the services you have requested. We use these cookies to provide those services to you.

Functionality Cookies

Type: Persistent Cookies | Administered by: Us

Purpose: These cookies allow us to remember the choices we make. Remember how you use the website, such as your login details or language preference. The purpose of these cookies is to provide you with a more personalized experience. To avoid having to re-enter your preferences every time you use the website.

How do we use your personal information?

We generally use order information. We collect money to fulfill any orders placed through the Website (including processing your payment information, arranging for shipping, and providing you with an invoice and/or order confirmation). Additionally, we use this order information to:

  • To open and maintain an account with us.
  • Providing websites, apps, and services.
  • Communicate with you via social media or direct message.
  • Offering products and services.
  • To process payments.
  • Processing orders for products or services.
  • Screening, investigating, and resolving our orders for potential risk or fraud.
  • Our goal is to provide you with information or advertising related to our products or services tailored to your preferences.
  • To comply with legal or regulatory requirements (including security-related requirements).
  • Conducting customer surveys to evaluate the needs, requirements, and satisfaction levels of our customers.
  • To inform you about our new services or special advertising programs, or to send you offers or information.
  • To allow you to take advantage of interactive features of the Website and App ‐ for example, sharing product reviews or participating in a rewards program.
  • Regulating demand for services in a specific area. The Service will notify you about the availability of the Services in your geographic market and location unless you opt out of receiving such updates.
  • The company aims to provide exceptional customer service by sending welcome emails, responding to inquiries, offering requested services, and engaging customers in their account management.

The information collected from the device is used by us.

  • To help us investigate potential risks and fraud (in particular, your IP address and GPS location).
  • To improve and optimize our website (for example, by generating analytics about how our customers browse and interact with the website).
  • To measure the success of our marketing and advertising campaigns, including advertising/retargeting.
  • This process involves tracking your device over time to customize websites and apps based on your interests and preferences based on your past activities.
  • Our website and servers are monitored to identify and resolve technical issues and perform administrative troubleshooting.
  • The Service will inform Users about the services available in their location unless they opt-out.
  • We may send you service announcements about our Website and services, such as temporary suspension for maintenance, via email.
  • Non-promotional messages are not required to opt-out, but you can deactivate your account if you wish to stop receiving them.
  • The purpose of this analysis is to evaluate our performance and strategies to improve user access to our website, apps and services by examining user features and traffic sources.
  • MeharIPTV discloses personal information to third parties only with prior consent, except as required or permitted by law.

Sharing your personal information

We share your personal information with third parties to help us use your personal information. We use these services to track user activity, specifically their use of website features and overall behavior. For example, we use Google Analytics to help us understand how visitors interact with our website. We may share your personal information to comply with legal requests and protect your rights.

Do not track

Please note that we do not change the data collection and use practices of our website. When we see a "Do Not Track" signal from your browser.

Your consent

If you choose to voluntarily submit personal information to us. We assume your consent for the collection, use, and sharing of personal information for the purposes outlined in this Privacy Policy. Third-party services we use may share your personal information. In such a case, we will make reasonable efforts to ensure that such parties guarantee to us that this provision of your information is permitted. Accordingly, we will usually ask for your consent when we collect your personal information. Sometimes this may happen after collection but before our use or disclosure of your personal information.

We will inform you about any plans to use or disclose your personal information unless explicitly stated in this privacy policy or elsewhere. I will make serious efforts to inform you. Because we use the services of third-party independent courier contractors, we share your information to facilitate the services. This may involve handling payments, placing orders, sending notifications, providing delivery instructions, and offering customer service.

You may modify or revoke your consent by sending a written message to our Privacy Officer, subject to legal requirements and your contracts. We may be unable to provide or receive certain products or services under certain circumstances, which may be modified or discontinued. By continuing with us after this Privacy Policy has been provided, you consent to the collection, use, and disclosure of your personal information for the specified purposes. This Privacy Policy, where such consent is required by law.

Your rights

You have the right to access personal information. We keep a record of your personal information and allow you to update, correct, or delete it. If you wish to exercise your rights, please contact us.

Accuracy of personal information

When we collect, use, or share personal information. We make reasonable efforts to ensure that it is accurate, up-to-date, and complete. It may be necessary to ask you for more information or updates. We request that you update your personal information to ensure that our records are accurate and up to date.

Data Retention

When you place an order through the Website. We will keep your order information for our records until you ask us to delete this information. The law permits us to keep personal information for as long as possible. It is necessary for legal or business purposes. At the end of the reasonable retention period, your personal information will be securely deleted in accordance with legal and business requirements.

You should be aware that there may be legally required minimum retention intervals that we must follow. We may retain personal information for as long as required by legal or business requirements, provided it is fit for purpose. We will inform individuals about the possible consequences of revoking their consent. When it is appropriate in the given circumstances.

Third-Party Websites

Please be aware that our website and other online services may contain connections to other websites. Any third-party websites will be governed by their own privacy policies and practices. We are not responsible for such third parties or their websites.

Third-Party Service Provider

We may employ third-party companies and individuals to facilitate our website, app, and services. To perform services related to our Website and App (for example, without limitation, hosting, maintenance services, upgrading website and App features, and database management).

We provide customer support to help us analyze how our website, app, and services are used. These third parties are authorized to access and use your personal information only to perform these tasks on our behalf.

Personal Information Security

We are aware of our obligation under the law to protect personal data collected while conducting business. Therefore we have made appropriate arrangements to protect personal information from unauthorized access, collection, use, disclosure, replication, modification, or deletion.

All communications with our Services are conducted via Transport Layer Security/Secure Socket Layer (TLS/SSL) protocols. We use a trusted, third-party payment gateway to securely process credit card transactions.

How we deal with requests to access personal information

The law allows individuals to submit written requests to us to provide services.

  • We provide access to any personal information that we hold or control.
  • We will provide information about how we use personal information under our custody or control.
  • The names of the people or organizations to whom, and the circumstances in which your personal information has been and is being disclosed by us.

We would like to remind you that your access to personal information is not absolute. We reserve the right not to disclose any personal information. According to us, this is not appropriate. Enjoy all your legal rights. Keep safe.

Our response to requests to access personal information

Each request for access to personal information will be promptly responded to and confirmed in writing. Are we providing the requested information in full or in part? If we refuse access or copies. We will provide written reasons for such denial.

Request for correction of personal information

The law allows individuals to request correction of their personal information that is in our custody or control. We would like to clarify that all requests must be in writing, and email is not considered a valid form of written request. We may request additional information to help us investigate and respond appropriately.

In case of inaccuracies, errors, or omissions in personal information under our control, we:

  • Correct any personal information mistakes and send correction notices to affected parties.
  • Instead of correcting personal information, annotate it to indicate that a correction was requested but not made.

Unlike factual information, corrections or amendments are not made to opinions, including expert or professional opinions, which can be corrected if an error occurs.

Changes to this Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy may be updated from time to time to reflect changes in our practices or for operational, legal, or regulatory reasons.

Governing law

Any suit or dispute between the Customer and the Company relating to this contract shall be settled in the courts.


Mehar IPTV makes no warranties or representations of any kind, express or implied, regarding the Website, its operation, content, materials, or information. The Company disclaims all warranties, express or implied, regarding its use of the Site, including merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose.

Buyer agrees that Mehar IPTV, its directors, employees, and representatives are not liable for damages resulting from the operation, content, or use of the Company Website or its products. This agreement outlines a comprehensive limitation of liability for all damages, including indirect, direct, special, compensatory, punitive, incidental, and consequential damages.

Contact us

For more information about our privacy policy, If you have any questions or want to make a complaint, Please contact us by e-mail at or by mail using the details below.

Mehar IPTV ‐ ( or phone number: +1 631-320-5360
